Sabtu, 01 Juni 2013

The Newest

Assalamu'alaikum Warrohmatullahi Wabarrokatuh

Honestly I had planned make a blog since 2011 furthermore because of many aspecs I postphone my plan even the lazyness thing, hihi. Eitss I was write so many poems'bout religion, love, friends, even problems around my life. So that I launched that poem I dedicates for someone who special :) as a describe gratefulness from Alloh SWT that HE gives me to much barokah as long as I live.  Not only the poem but I'll share own even others experince also, so I hope my blog useful for all you who read even take a bit, and hopefully enrich our knowledge. 

Feel free for give critics, suggestions even change our mind each other ^^

Wassalamu'alaikumsalam warrohmatullahi Wabarrokatuh

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